Saturday 23 February 2013

Saint Cruimther Connrach, February 23

The Irish calendars at February 23 have a number of saints listed about whom little else is known. One of these is a Saint Cruimther Connrach (Conry or Conrius). His name is listed on both the Martyrology of Tallagh and the Martyrology of Donegal where a later commentator has added in Arda to his name. This would place him in the Ards area of County Down. Canon O'Hanlon in his account of this holy man in Volume II of his Lives of the Irish Saints, records the conclusions of the seventeenth-century hagiologist, Father John Colgan:
Colgan identifies this saint as a nephew of the great Saint Columcille whose third sister, Sinecha, was mother to Saint Cruimther Connrach. Indeed, she was mother to a number of holy men, one of her sons, Aidan, was a monk, another was Cucuimne, Abbot of Iona, while the other was our saint, Conrius Mocukein. Colgan believed that Saint Cruimther/Conrius was also a disciple of his famous uncle at the Columban monastery of Durrow.

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