Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Saint Condmac of Átha Silain, July 9

At July 9, we commemorate another of the many obscure Irish saints, Condmac of Atha Silain. The locality where he flourished is recorded somewhat differently in the 17th-century Martyrology of Donegal than in the 8th/9th-century Martyrology of Tallagh. Canon O'Hanlon can write only these few lines on our saint:

St. Condmac or Connmach, of Ath-Blair, or Átha-Silain.

In the Martyrology of Tallagh, at the 9th of July, a festival is recorded in honour of Condmac, of Atha silain. The place of this saint is differently denominated in the later Calendar. The Martyrology of Donegal, at the same date, enters the name as Connmach, of Ath Blair. We have not been able to identify his place under either denomination.

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