Irish Saints of June

Irish Saints in June (Magdalen Rock)

June 1
Saint Cronan of Lismore
Saint Egol of Disert Eegoilse

June 2
Saint Aldegisius of Hannonia
Saint Colman Finn of Kilclief

June 3
Saint Affine of Kilaffan
Saint Kevin of Glendalough (new 2024)

June 4
Saint Ernin of Cluain
Saint Finchan
Saint Faithlenn

June 5
Saint Eoban of Utrecht
Saints Niadh and Berchan
Saints Fionnlugh and Brogan of Cluain-mic-feig

June 6
Saint Cocca of Kilcock
Saint Maelaithghen of Tech Maeilaithghin
Saint Lonan

June 7
Saint Colman of Dromore

June 8
Saint Brón of Killaspugbrone
Saint Luathrenna of Kill Luathrenn
Saint Airmedach of Cong

June 9
Saint Colum Cille of Iona
Saint Baithen of Iona

June 10
Saint Illadan of Rathlihen
Saint Sántan
Saint Ainmire of Aileach

June 11
Saint Riagail of Bangor
Saint Mac Tail of Kilcullen
Saint Tocomracht of Conmaicne

June 12
Saint Cunera
Saint Dichuill of Achadh-na-cró
Saint Tommen mac h Birn

June 13
Saint Mac Nissi of Clonmacnoise
Saint Damhnat of Sliabh Betha
Saint Psalmodius of Limoges

June 14
Saint Nem of Aran
Saint Ciaran of Bealach-Duin
Saint Cumman Beg of Cill Cuimne

June 15
Saint Beoc of Wexford (Stokes)
Saint Beoc of Wexford (O'Hanlon)
Saint Colman of Meelick

June 16
Saint Aitheachan of Colpe
Saint Cethach of Cill Garadh
Saint Séadna

June 17
Saint Moling Luachra
Saint Enlochius?

June 18
Saint Colman, Son of Mici
Saints Furadhran and Baithin of Dunleer
The Blessed Aidus Hua-Foirreth

June 19
Saint Deodatus of Nevers
Saint Coelain of Doire Choelaine
Saint Colman of Drumlease

June 20
Saint Faolan of Srathearn
Saint Guibhsech of Cloonburren
Saint Gobanus of Saint-Gobain
Saint Cassán of Cluain-Ratha

June 21
Saint Suibhne of Armagh
Saint Diarmaid of Castledermot
Saint Corbmac of Durrow
Saint Sillen

June 22
Saint Cronan of Ferns
Saint Crunmael
Saint Guaire Beg

June 23
Saint Mochaoi of Nendrum
Saint Faelan and the Daughters of Moinan
The Children of Senchán

June 24
Saint Rumoldus of Dublin
Saint Thiu of Rubha
Saint Cormac of Senchoimhet
Saint Gaibhrein

June 25
Saint Sincheall of Killeigh
The Daughter of Mionghar
Saint Ailell, Son of Seigen

June 26
Saint Soadbair
Saint Colman of Lambay Island
Saint Duthac

June 27
Saint Dimman
Saint Aedh
Saint Senic

June 28
Saint Bigsech of Killbixy
Saint Ernin of Cloonfinn
Saint Cruimín of Leacan
Blessed Malchus of Mellifont

June 29
Saint Cocca of Ros-Bennchuir
Saint Conuan of Stackallan
Saint Maeldoid

June 30
Saint Erentrude of Nunberg
Saint Sproc
Saint Failbe of Cell Eó
Saint Caelán Dahoc

PLEASE NOTE: These indices are not designed as a calendar of Irish saints which can be crossposted anywhere else. They are my original work and relate only to this site. I would ask that they not be posted elsewhere without my permission and certainly not without linking back to this blog.

Content Copyright © Omnium Sanctorum Hiberniae 2012-2015. All rights reserved.


Christian Grattan said...

Hi there, not sure if this blog is still being updated, but I have a question about any images or information you have on St. Olcán. The Well at Cranfield is not far from me, and Olcán has really piqued my interest. I like to keep icons on a small altar of local Saints and figures who inspire me, but I haven't found a single trace of any for St. Olcán.

If you have any information or a point in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,

Christy Grattan

Marcella said...

Hi, yes the blog is still in business! I have never come across an image of St Olcán, most of the Irish saints are obscure figures whose cults were confined to their own localities. Olcán is different in that he is associated with Saint Patrick. I have a post on him here