Mass of All Saints of Ireland (1962 Missal)

November 6


Throughout their lives these holy men and women were looking forward to their Master's return. When the Lord knocked, these good and faithful servants at once opened to him. They did not put their trust in the things of the world and they were blest, for in return God has given himself to them in the kingdom of Heaven. This feast is not celebrated on a Sunday.



Ecclus. 44: 15, 14

SAPIENTIAM Sanctorum narrent populi: et laudes eorum nuntiet Ecclesia: nomina autem eorum vivent in saeculum saeculi. Ps. 32: 1. Exultate, justi, in Domino: rectos decet collaudatio.

BID the people tell of the wisdom of the saints; the whole Church heralds their praises. Their names must live on for ever. Ps. You who are innocent have joy in the Lord; seemly such praise on the lips of the virtuous.


GRATIAM tuam, Domine, multiplica super nos, solemnitatem celebrantes omnium insulae nostrae Sanctorum: ut quorum esse cives gratulamur in terris; cum his mancipatum habere mereamur in caelis.

GIVE  abundant grace to us, Lord, as we keep the feast of all the saints of our island; and enable us, who are proud to be their fellow-countrymen on earth, to have citizenship with them in Heaven.


Ecclus. 44: 1-15

Speak we now in honour of famous men that were our fathers, long ago. What high achievements the Lord has made known in them, ever since time began! Here were men that had power and bore rule, men that excelled in strength, or in the wisdom that dowered them; prophets that worthily upheld the name of prophecy, issuing to the people the commands their times needed, uttering, through their foresight, a sacred charge to the nations. Here were men that had skill to devise melodies, to make songs and set them down in writing. Here were men, rich in ability, noble of aim, that dwelt peacefully in their homes. These were the glories of their race, the ornament of their times; and the sons they begot have left a memory that adds to the recital of their praise. Not like those others, who are forgotten in death as if they had never been; nameless, they and their children, as if they had never lived; no these were men of tender conscience; their deeds of charity will never be forgotten. Blessings abide with their posterity; their descendants are a race set apart for God, the pledged heirs of his promises. For their sakes this line of theirs will endure for all time; their stock, their name, will never be allowed to die out. Their bodies lie in peace; their name lasts on, age after age. Their wisdom is yet a legend among the people; wherever faithful men assemble, their story is told.


Exod. 15: 11

GLORIOSUS Deus in Sanctis suis: mirabilis in majestate, faciens prodigia. V. Ibid, 6. Dextera tua, Domine, glorificata est in virtute: dextera manus tua confregit inimicos.

WHO is more glorified than God in his saints, more wonderful in majesty;  the God of miracles?
V. How mighty, Lord, is the strength of your right hand; that right hand of yours that vanquished the foe.


ALLELUIA, Alleluia. V. Ecclus 44:14. Corpora Sanctorum in pace sepulta sunt: in nomina eorum vivent in generationem et generationem, Alleluia.

ALLELUIA, Alleluia! V. The bodies of the saints are buried and at peace, but their names live on from age to age. Alleluia!


Luke 6: 17-23.

AT THAT time: Jesus came down from the mountain side and stood on a level place; a multitude of his disciples was there, and a great gathering of the people from all Judea, and Jerusalem, and the sea-coast of Tyre and Sidon. These had come there to listen to him, and to be healed of their diseases; and those who were troubled by unclean spirits were also cured; so that all the multitude was eager to touch him, because power went out from him, and healed them all.

Then he lifted up his eyes towards his disciples, and said: Blessed are you who are poor; the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are hungry now; you will have your fill. Blessed are you who weep now; you will laugh for joy. Blessed are you, when men hate you and cast off and revile you, when they reject your name as something evil, for the Son of Man's sake. When that day comes, rejoice and exult over it; for behold a rich reward awaits you in heaven.


Ps. 67: 36

MIRABILIS Deus in Sanctis suis: Deus Israel ipse dabit virtutem et fortitudinem plebi suae: benedictus Deus, alleluia.

HOW wonderful is God in his saints! Israel's God; it is he who will give strength and courage to his people, Blessed be God! Alleluia!


OBLATIS, quaesumus, Domine, placare muneribus: et intercedentibus omnibus insulae nostrae Sanctis, a cunctis nos defende periculis.

MAY the gifts we offer please you, Lord; and we pray you to keep us from all danger at the pleading of the saints of our island.


Wis. 3: 1-2

JUSTORUM animae in manu Dei sunt, et non tanget illos tormentum malitiae: visi sunt occulis insipientium mori, illi autem sunt in pace.

The souls of the just are in God's hands, and no hateful torment can ever touch them. They do not die, though fools may think so. Instead they are at peace.


HAEC nos communio, Domine, purget a crimine, et, intercedentibus omnibus insulae nostrae Sanctis, caelestis remedii faciat esse consortes.

LORD, may this communion free us from our faults and, at the pleading of all the saints of our island, enable us to share in healing from above.

Content Copyright © Omnium Sanctorum Hiberniae 2012-2015. All rights reserved.


Salvatore said...

Thank you for excellent blog! I'm an Italian young boy interested to Irish Saints. Can I ask you if it's possible to have a pdf of Proper Masses of Ireland according to Vetus Missal?

Marcella said...

Sorry, but I am not aware of a pdf, I typed this one out myself from the Missal. Glad you are enjoying the blog!