Sunday, 6 November 2022

All the Saints of Ireland, November 6

November 6 is the Feast of All the Saints of Ireland and, since it is the date on which I started Omnium Sanctorum Hiberniae in 2012, is also this site's patronal feast. As my original inspiration was the monumental Lives of the Irish Saints of John, Canon O'Hanlon (1821-1905), it seems fitting to mark the feast with this splendid tribute taken from the introduction to his very first volume. I would like to thank everyone who has supported the blog over the last decade and wish you the blessings of the Feast. Beannachtaí na Féile oraibh go Léir! Orate pro nobis omnes Sancti Hiberniae!
By the Irish prelates and religious, vast numbers of sainted persons were inscribed on our martyrologies and calendars; churches were built in their honour, and called after them; their relics were frequently preserved there, and exposed for veneration to the faithful; litanies and hymns were composed in their honour; Masses and offices were celebrated in their name; they were invoked by prayers; while every just title of religious prescription has hallowed their memory, leaving them as our guardians and intercessors in heaven.

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