Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Saint Aedhan Mac Ua Duibhne, April 8

On April 8 Canon O'Hanlon brings us an account of a Saint Aedhan, distinguished from others of the same name by the patronymic Mac Ua Duibhne. The seventeenth-century hagiologist, Father Colgan, believed he was the same man as a ninth-century monastic of Durrow:

St. Aedhan, Mac Ua Duibhne.

The published Martyrology of Tallagh has a record, at the 8th of April, regarding a festival to Aedan Mac h. Suibne. Marianus O'Gorman enters a St. Aidan, at this day. Colgan thinks, he must be identical with a Scribe or Chronographer of Durrow, in the King's County, and whose death is recorded, in the Annals of the Four Masters, under A.D. 827. At another reference, where Colgan enumerates various saints, who bore the name of Aidan, in his Appendix to the Acts of St. Maidoc, also called Aidan, or Aedan, he introduces the present holy man, known as Aidanus filius Hua Duibhna.The Bollandists have entered his feast, at the 8th of April, as Aidanus filius Hua-Dubnei. Thus, uncertainty prevails regarding him. Aedhan, Mac Ua Duibhne, was venerated, on this day, as we read in the Martyrology of Donegal.

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Ramón said...

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Marcella said...

Thank you and best wishes for your own work on the saints.

ocorrian historian said...

I notice this surname being mentioned in connection with the foundation of the extant Iubr Chinn Choice abbey,(Newry) Keating says that it is not seen mentioned in the alleged Newry charter of Mc Loughlin, and because it isnt he dosent believe the abbey was founded by Mc Loughlin. Rev Reeves thinks the charter is suspect as well. However I believe the name is connected to the High Kings under which it is found in many variations i.e Mac Dunsleve, Cu Donslevey resembling Duibhne.? Just a thought.