Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The Daughters of Cathbadh, July 2

July 2 brings a group commemoration of holy women - the Daughters of Cathbadh. Canon O'Hanlon gives this brief account, noting that in the Martyrology of Donegal the siblings are reduced to a single daughter:

The Daughter or Daughters of Cathbath, or Cathbadh, of Airedh Fotha.

A festival to honour the Daughters of Cathbadh, of Airiud, is entered in the Martyrology of Tallagh, at the 2nd of July. Marianus O'Gorman has a notice concerning the chaste Daughters of Cathbad of Airida Foda, on the same day. In the Acts of St. Patrick, there is a Fothadh—probably identical—mentioned as having been a hill in Tyrconnell. We find this place also written Airedh fotha, in the published Martyrology of Donegal, at this same date, when there is only mention made of the Daughter of Cathbath, without giving her proper name; while the Bollandists, quoting the same authority, have the Daughters of Cathbad in Airiudh, yet they want a fuller and more distinct account in reference to the foregoing insertions.

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