Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Saint Colman, March 30

On March 30 we have yet another Saint Colman commemorated on the Irish calendars. Indeed, it seems we have more than one for there is a Saint Colman of Linns also commemorated today. Canon O'Hanlon's account below deals with a Saint Colman who is named as the 'Son of Ronan', but about whom little other information has survived:

St. Colman, Son of Ronan. 

The Martyrology of Tallagh, at the 30th of March, records the entry of a St. Colman. The name of this saint appears twice repeated, in the published version. This is not the case, in the Franciscan copy, preserved at the Convent, Merchant's-quay, Dublin. According to the Martyrology of Donegal, likewise, on this day was venerated, Colman, son of Ronan, son to Loarn. He descended from the race of Conall Gulban, son to Niall. We know little more regarding him.

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