Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Saint Cummine, Son of Aride, July 29

The name of another obscure Irish saint is recorded in the Irish calendars at July 29. In the case of Saint Cummine (Cuimmein, Cuimín)  a patronymic has also been preserved, but the knowledge that he is the son of Aride does not help to identify him with any particular time or locality. Our saint shares his name with a number of others, most famously perhaps the learned Saint Cuimín Fada whose feast falls on November 12:

St. Cummine or Cuimmein, Son of Aride.

The name of Cumianus, Cummine, or Cuimmein, appears at the 29th of July, in the Martyrologies of Tallagh, of Marianus O'Gorman and of Donegal. He is called the son of Aride, Ardi or Aradius.

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